I did not write about this yesterday because i was busy re- evaluating my sanity.
So, i wake up in the morning, prepare and get to work. In the elevator a colleague asks me "are you okay? It is not a good morning neither how was your night but 'are you okay'. I nod with a hesitant yes and shock while wondering why they asked in the first place. I do not know about you but that question is quite intimate to me.
( Why do you ask something so deep?)
(Why are you concerned?)
(Is it that clear i need a life?)
Why? Why? Why?
Well, anyone can ask and i could answer without thinking but when coupled with that intensive worrying look and its not a person you are well acquainted to, i question a lot of things.
They then ask, "what about your shoes?" So i quickly look at my feet only to see a red and a black shoe.
I seriously wore mismatching shoes to the office. One has a bow the other a flower. The designs are completely different but i did not notice. At all.
Come on! Did you seriously think i was going to post a photo of my shoes so that some of y'll can criticize my distasteful choices and lack of class?(of course all in your opinion)I know better.
To sum up everything, i wore mismatching shoes to work, colleagues cracked up but i  blessedly got new shoes and so i did not have to bear the stinging looks from people on my way home.


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