Lately i have been finding most love and happiness in places, people and beings i take for granted. Not that they had ceased to show me love, i just hadn't been grateful as i ought to be and that is why i was not receiving the full measure of love.
My family has always made me happy, seeing jovial healthy animals always makes me squeal and doing my best at work brings a strong sense of fulfilment.
It is however not prudent for me to receive so much love and not be grateful for it. So i started appreciating all these people (animals are like people to me) and things in my life by thanking God for them. Thanking God for everyone that you have especially family, thanking God everytime you see an animal that is in perfect health and joy. Thanking God for your job no matter what you do. Thanking God for friends and people that are good to you regardless whether you are friends or strangers.
We receive so much love freely yet we take it for granted or never give thanks for it, including those things and people that ache our hearts. They serve a purpose. Do not forget to reciprocate the  love to these people and things.
Even for those things that i trust God to do for me, i will praise Him on credit.
Give thanks today, you'l see a whole lot of difference.💚


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