Foiled plans, piercingly distinguish this space, 

empty words, broken promises,

compliments creep dangerously close to slander, 

contorted truths, thuggery and poise all in the same couture suit!

As I pull back the covers and map out the patterns, 

these staggering realities are evident, 

few things come close to the the ruthless drive and quiet cunning of a determined mind

people will often use a mixture of humble brag and gibberish as an attempt to keep you close; they say a lot but watch what they do.

never conflate optimism with certitude.

These meanderings of life culminate at this apex truth; everything that is human is bound to fluctuate.

In the vicissitudes of life, people's likes, moods and aspirations oscillate. 

Adjust your expectations of people to accommodate this truth.

This does not, in any way mean that we become docile and make excuses for bad behavior; action or inaction are a decreed endorsement.

Speak up! The labor is to keep civil while being benevolent and forthright.


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