We have found ourselves as a world in the throes of a pandemic whose severity is still unraveling. As the days go by, the future continues to look bleak; from the looming global recession and all our foiled plans.

With such unprecedented uncertainty, it's only human to panic, feel hopeless and be fearful. However, all is not lost.

I know I run risk of sounding like a life coach (which is not a bad thing at all). I just want to take a few moments of your time to nudge your sunken spirit back to life and God knows I too, need this dose of my own medicine.

If there is something this novel Corona virus has shown us, is the frailty of life. Our routine; what we saw as mundane, is actually a blessing. In our lifetime, there has never been such a viral infectious disease to warrant partial and total lock downs of once bustling towns. We are now spending much of our time at home either working, studying or just resting. In any circumstance we find ourselves in, we can all agree that confinement, especially when imposed, is torturing to the soul;even though it is for our good.

It is therefore imperative that we take this time to focus on having and maintaining a positive mindset even as we adjust and cope with the situation. One way we can do that is by choosing to be grateful for everything we have in the present moment and things we took for granted when life was 'normal'. Ability to breath by yourself, have all senses working, the fact that you can stock up food, you have a place to call home, you are surrounded by your loved ones, you can binge on your favourite shows and even read this article. Once we do some introspection, there is so much to be grateful for even though we seem to be tumbling down.

Take time off your phone, off social media and the Television screen. Regurgitating news of the already frustrating reality only serves to stir up your anxiety. This is worsened by the fake medical information, wild rumours and speculation about government responses.There is however a ton of advise and precautions to take in response to Covid-19 from reputable and trustworthy sources such as the World Health Organisation website. Keep yourself updated but not a moment longer than necessary.

Try not to isolate yourself even though you are in quarantine.They say alienation is the cost of sanity. It's very easy to spiral down into morbid thinking especially when you are alone. Take that time to reach out to your friends and family. Share your fears with your confidant (s). This will ease up your tensed nerves.

This is also a great time to stir up your faith. Faith is best cultivated in fear and uncertainty.Plan ahead for a do-over once this is all over believing that your best days are still ahead of you.

Excercising remains every bit necessary as it is unpleasant, at least for some. Get that body up from the couch and let the blood flow.

In all you do, remember to be kind to others but most importantly to yourself. Don't carry the weight of this extrinsic crisis and let it overrun you. The whole world is going through a disruption and we will take time to adjust to this new normal. This time and circumstances shouldn't ruin you.

Step by step, moment by moment. We will be fine.


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