I just turned a year older and in a moment of reflective silence, I decided to publish this list of things I have learnt in my few years of living. Disclaimer; these are in no particular order.

1. There are apologies that will probably never come; make peace with that and forgive anyway.
Please note that this does not mean being reconciled. 'You can only be reconciled with someone who is sincerely repentant and transformed so that you don't continue to be exposed to trauma', Dr. Thema.

2. Some moments, if not most, need not to be documented, just felt; experienced.

3. Learn how to stop obsessing or ruminating about partners that are not reciprocating your level of interest or are emotionally unavailable.

4. Anything that is human is bound to fluctuate.

5. If letting people have their way with you is all you have ever known, standing up for yourself can be the hardest thing to do, do it anyway. You are worthy.

6. Pay attention to how people treat others, that is how they will treat you.

7. You don't have to be loud to be heard.

8. People say a lot but watch what they do.

9. The things we do on purpose, we tend to repeat.

10. If you are not grateful for what you have, you will never have enough.

11. Go ahead and act as your conscience prompts you -T.D Jakes.

12. Hear from people, not about them.

13. Listen to your convictions, even though they may seem absurd to your reason.

14.People and things should not define who you are.

15. Temperament is displayed in failure but character is revealed in success.

16. Just because someone's choice is different from yours, doesn't always mean they are wrong.

17. Things done in gentleness are the most powerful.

18. Being ruthless in order to survive means killing a part of yourself that makes living worthwhile.

19. Sometimes the cost of sanity is some level of alienation.

20. Not all dead are worth grieving for.

21. Happiness is being able to celebrate everything as it is.

22. Never doubt your awesomeness nor question it.  Don't let anybody do it either.

23. Don't surf and self- diagnose. Go to the doctor.

24. If we tried to avoid every place in the world that enmity confounds us, we'd be stranded where we stand.

25. Always balance the need to meet today's demands while investing in the capabilities that will produce tomorrow's success.- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

26. God is everything.


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