There is a sense of validation that comes with being more experienced or advanced in age than others. Your words are revered and actions modeled as though you were a god. That is why measures of self-worth today are determined by how many followers you have amassed on Twitter and how perfect your life appears on Instagram.The feeling of prominence and having a noun other than your name to describe you is what most of us if not all are after.
Society has taught us that our voices need to be heard, we deserve to have the last word, where our opinions are most important of all and if for some reason we decide not to offer them, we are just asking to be manipulated, ignored and walked on. Society has also taught us not to oppose words from 'above' because it is being opinionated. We lose touch with what is truly important and foster our own discontentment by perceiving every new idea as competition.
Though criticism comes with the territory, how can we have tolerance for any interpretation that deviates from our narrative? How can we interact with those who think differently from us without hostility? How can we give legitimate criticism that point out oversights without necessarily attributing them to one's character?
First, we should not dismiss any new ideas from anyone. We have a tendency to use the word 'ignorant' to willingly misunderstand those with different opinions from us instead of taking time to listen and understand what the idea is. This is how most potentially edifying ideas get disregarded by making people feel that they have too much useless information and not enough concentrated knowledge to make them experts like us. Juniors would rather avoid confrontations than stand up for themselves and the chance to create change. No doubt when presented people who seem to so effortlessly think about things that do not  come naturally to us can make us rethink our own capabilities but it is not always a competition. Before you speak to someone just try to imagine what kind of damage you are doing to your co- workers who maybe be holding on to that last piece of confidence that you are (clearly) determined to destroy.
Have open communication lines. You do not want your employees huddling around cups of office coffee and talking about their dissatisfaction in you. You wonder why they cannot communicate their qualms but remember you shut the communication lines in the first place. I f possible, have open door policy where employees can comfortably express their suggestions or complains.
The other way is by establishing comfortable but appropriate environment for interactions. Smile, ask questions and maintain eye contact during conversations rather than talking down to people. Every job, no matter how exciting can be tedious,a bit dull and sometimes frustrating. You can make monotonous tasks appear fun through team activities such as brainstorming and also through informal conversations. If you are not approachable, juniors make ill conceived assumptions and subsequently a ton of mistakes.
Lastly, acknowledge the presence of your juniors. This goes a long way to motivate them and make their skill set seem sufficient and qualified depending on the scenario. There is no need to monopolize every situation; it gives people second hand cringes. With the right amount of respect  and respect, the right people will not scatter. Do not be selectively nice to those who you need to be nice to.
Without fail, there will always be people who know better than us but it does not mean they are a threat to our positions. We should embrace learning as an every day process to better our expertise. Another very important thing to remember as a person in position,especially in the corporate is that most people do not quit jobs, they quit administration. Therefore, in a world that only teaches us to be leaders, probably position comes by being a follower.


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