Happy 2015! Yes it's a week into the new year and there a number of things that have snuck from 2014 like the boatload of things, sorry, resolutions we never follow but keep making them every year. Anyhow, while we take the moral detours necessary to help us change this year, there are some of the things we cannot afford to do.

Ascribing intent.
You assigned bad intent on otherwise innocuous actions and found a reason to be offended on a steady basis. Your workmate did not greet you in the morning, your friend never replied your texts. You took that as a personal affront, a hi-five on your face. To be happy this year, do not be quick to judge the unintentional actions of others

Fast forwarding everything to the worst possible outcome.
What if my rashes ans acne are actually skin cancer? What if my weird neighbour is actually a terrorist? Your mind wrestled with events that are not even remotely likely. This is a happiness riptide and the more negative you think the more negative you become.

Waiting for the first of January to start over.
It is in the year-end ritualism of impulse towards self- observation that people decide to turn over a new leaf come new year, forgetting tomorrow is never promised. Do what you have to do now.

Feeding into online trolls.
Trolls live off reactions and outrage. If you ignore them they will go away.

Shaming women while others leak their nudes online.
The same people shaming them are the first to google the pictures.

Updating your every move on social media.
No one cares!

Borrowing peoples stuff and keeping them so long they have to borrow them back.
Just. Stop. Will you?

Failure to accept diversity.
Finally,It takes all sorts to make a world.
Let us stop clinging to things that will leave us worse for wear.


  1. Still waiting for your next post always rovokes the positive side of the mind and yes makes most readers re think about their next move plus you have been a motivational writer and mind too in that sense in many ways you know... all said and done still waiting


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