Events of the recent past on our streets are probably the most flagrant and unapologetic example of misogyny. I would wish, for the life of us that they are anomalies but no, they are not. Women have had their private parts violated, groped and exposed at length in what has shattered our collective sense of normalcy. Reason being, they looked inappropriate. With all the pervasive conflicting parameters, is it even possible to look appropriate?
The reality of such violence now happening in public places is what can make a seemingly benign albeit annoying catcall unnerving not forgetting the terror al-shabaab pose.
Some claim that society has people falling over themselves to defend womens' honour if they feel slighted in any way while forgetting men. Others say there is no room for honest discussions because there is a constant need to placate to the fem- centric perspective. Impossible justification for stripping women off their dignity.
As if not enough, in morbid curiosity we have let videos of this acts go viral thus propagating a culture of disaster porn. We are so desperate to feel what victims of such violence feel that we lost all sense of human decency.
We have victim shamed this helpless beings pupporting that they are to blame for the tragedies that befell them. We are so desensitized it stinks to high heaven!
However much valid our frustrations may be, we cannot redress our imbalances by attacking each other. That will never justify what happened to the poor women. They did not want that. Mostly this part they did not need.


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